The New York Times
A stunning central performance by Mary McCann… nothing she has done previously prepared me for the blazing conviction and centeredness of this performance…an extraordinary journey.
Theatrical | Stewart Talent
(212) 315-5505
Manager | Rosier Artist Management
(917) 566-1793
Commercial | Ingber & Associates
(212) 889-9450
But by the end, every cast member has created a detailed and intimate portrait. And the final scene between Ms. McCann (so memorable as Mr. Stephens’s Harper Regan) and Mr. Wilson is beautiful – and devastating.
Ben Brantley / The New York Times
Talkin' Broadway
McCann is superb as Hazel, completely capturing a headstrong woman who’s being driven to absolute weaknesses by circumstances beyond her control. So solid, so forthright, in the opening scene… She lets us see every minute detail of this extraordinarily ordinary person.